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2005 Graduate Programs in Physics, Astronomy, and Related Fields
Compiled by the American Institute of Physics

This twenty-ninth annual edition contains information valuable to students planning graduate study and faculty advisors, including each program's research expenditures and sources of support. A number of helpful appendices make navigating the directory a simple task.

This comprehensive compendium provides information on nearly every U.S. doctoral program in physics and astronomy, plus data on most major master's programs in these fields. Information on many major Canadian programs is also included. In addition, the Graduate Programs directory lists a substantial number of related-field departments, including materials science, electrical and nuclear engineering, meteorology, medical and chemical physics, geophysics, and oceanography.

Springer Verlag / American Institute of Physics, 2005, 680 S.
87,74 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-7354-0212-6

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