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Mark Haddon, Christian Birmingham (ill.)
The Sea of Tranquility

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Leading up to the 40th anniversary of the first moon landing, the excitement of this momentous event is captured through the eyes of a child in this glorious picture book, reformatted with a new cover design. Mark Haddon is the prize-winning, highly-acclaimed author of the best-selling novel 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time'. Years ago there was a little boy who dreamed of rocketing to the moon, of landing on the crumbly rock and walking across the Sea of Tranquility. He borrowed library books and read how astronauts had orbited the earth and walked in space. And every night he hoped that they would find a way to land on the moon and walk where he had dreamed of walking. And eventually, one cloudless night, they did!

Der Autor
Mark Haddon, geboren 1963, lebt in Oxford. Er wuchs in Northhampton auf und studierte in Oxford. Anschließend arbeitete er sechs Jahre mit geistig oder körperlich behinderten Menschen zusammen. Er schrieb verschiedene Kinderbücher; für seine Drehbücher wurde er zweimal mit dem BAFTA-Preis ausgezeichnet.

HarperCollins Publishers, 2008, 32 S.
9,90 Euro
Lesestufe: ab 5 Jahre
Broschiert, w. numerous col. ill.
ISBN: 978-0-00-727476-5

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