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Jeremy Cook
The Hatfield SCT Lunar Atlas
Photographic Atlas for Meade, Celestron and other SCT Telescopes

SCT and Maksutov telescopes - which of course includes the best-selling models from Meade, Celestron, and other important manufacturers - reverse the visual image left for right. It is extremely difficult to identify lunar features at the eyepiece of one of these instruments using a conventional atlas. The human brain just doesn’t cope well with trying to compare the real thing with a map that is a mirror-image of it.

This new SCT version of Hatfield’s famous lunar atlas solves the problem.

Photographs and key maps in The Hatfield SCT Lunar Atlas are mirror-images, to show the Moon exactly as it appears through the eyepiece of an SCT or Maksutov telescope. Identification of lunar features is made quick and easy.

The Moon’s surface is shown for various sun angles, and there are inset keys that show the effects of optical libration - all mirror-imaged for SCT users. Smaller IAU-standard reference images are included, to make it simple to compare the mirrored SCT photographs and maps with those that appear in other atlases.

This edition still uses the superb original photographs taken by Commander Henry Hatfield using his 12-inch reflector. The key maps, on which lunar features can be readily identified, have been reversed and updated, but retain the style and clarity that made the original justly famous.

Contents Table not applicable, because it is a book of maps

Springer Berlin, 2005, 128 S.
42,75 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-85233-749-0

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