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Martin Beech
Astronomers' Universe Series
Re-Igniting the Sun and Avoiding Other Global Catastrophes

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This book investigates the idea that the distant future evolution of our Sun might be ‘controlled’ (literally, asteroengineered) so that it maintains its present-day energy output rather than becoming a highly luminous and bloated red giant star - a process that, if allowed to develop, will destroy all life on Earth. The text outlines how asteroengineering might work in principle and it describes what the future solar system could look like. It also addresses the idea of asteroengineering as a galaxy-wide imperative, explaining why the Earth has never been visited by extraterrestrial travellers in the past.

Written for:
Professionals in the fields of stellar structure and evolution, solar system studies, and climate change.

  • Extrasolar Planets
  • SETI
  • Solar System
  • Sun

Der Autor
Martin Beech is associate professor of astronomy, and Head of the Astronomy Department at Campion College, The University of Regina. His main research interests during the past decade have focused on the smaller objects within the solar system (comets, asteroids and meteoroids), but concomitant to this ke has continued to perform research related to the structure and evolution of stars (the area of his doctoral studies).

Springer Berlin, 2008, 280 S.
26,70 Euro
Broschiert, w. 40 figs and 40 draw.
ISBN: 978-0-387-68128-3

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