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Simon F. Green, Mark H. Jones
An Introduction to the Sun and the Stars

Compiled by a team of experts, this textbook has been designed for elementary university courses in astronomy and astrophysics.

It starts with a detailed discussion of our nearest star, the Sun, and describes how solar physicists have come to understand its internal workings. It then considers how astronomers go about studying the basic physical properties and life-cycles of more distant stars, and culminates with a discussion of the formation of exotic objects such as neutron stars and black holes.

Written in an accessible style that avoids complex mathematics, and illustrated in colour throughout, this book is suitable for self-study and will appeal to amateur astronomers as well as undergraduate students. It contains numerous helpful learning features such as boxed summaries, student exercises with full solutions, and a glossary of terms. The book is also supported by a website hosting further teaching materials.


"This up-to-the-minute treatment of the universe of stars is the most enjoyable and informative book at this level that I have read. It combines clear physical arguments with excellent illustrations and diagrams, and keen readers can enhance their depth of understanding through the copious worked examples. Spread throughout, the 'biography boxes' give a refreshing human perspective to the science. Good for coffee table or lecture course!"
(Professor Peter Brand, University of Edinburgh)

Cambridge University Press, 2004, 400 S.
36,30 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-521-54622-5

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