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Chris Kitchin
Solar Observing Techniques

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The Sun is the closest star to Earth, and the only one we can observe in any sort of detail. As such it is a fascinating field of study, and one that is well-suited to amateur astronomers - the Sun is close enough to need little magnification. It also has the practical advantage, unlike every other astronomical object, of being visible in the daytime! During solar eclipses, there are momentary chances to observe and photograph some spectacular and scientifcally interesting sights.

Studying the Sun nonetheless needs specialist knowledge. Safety is paramount, as without the right precautions the heat and light of the Sun would instantly blind the observer. But given the right techniques, the Sun is a rewarding subject for amateur astronomers: in this book, Professor Chris Kitchin provides all the information needed for safe solar observing.

Written for:
Amateur astronomers

Springer Berlin, 2001, 218 S.
42,75 Euro
Broschiert, w. 119 figs. (25 col. pl.)
ISBN: 978-1-85233-035-4

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