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Hans J. Haubold
Studies in Space Policy Vol. 3
International Heliophysical Year 2007 - The United Nations Report

This book about the international aspects and achievements of the "International Heliophysical Year (IHY) 2007" can be regarded as a compendium of the fertile impacts of conducting research in this field. The main focus, as the title implicates, is the international cooperation, which has emerged from this grassroots initiative. North and South, industrialized and developing countries have been coordinating their efforts and have been learning from each other in a mutual partnership under a joint understanding of sharing the scientific benefits. Through this, trans-border networks have been created and scientific as well as cultural exchange took place.

Another focus of the book shows, how much astronomy contributes to the basis of knowledge society as today’s concept for mastering the future. Astronomy has been and will be attracting large numbers of young people to enter an education and career in science and engineering. Such attractions we desperately need in all countries around the world, and we have to be glad about initiatives like IHY, which are successful in raising awareness, interest and fascination.

Written for:
Space engineers and scientists, policy analysts, research fellows, think tanks

Springer Berlin, 2009, 250 S.
139,05 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-211-99179-4

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