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Christof Obertscheider
Modelling of Solar Granulation
Implementation and Comparison of Numerical Schemes

The mathematical part covers the implementation and comparison of different numerical schemes to solve the equations of radiation hydrodynamics. One and the same two-dimensional model of solar granulation is simulated with different high resolution numerical methods (essentially non-oscillatory and convex non-oscillatory) and non-grey short characteristic radiative transfer. Furthermore the influence of artificial diffusivities is studied.

The second part covers two astrophysical applications. A two-dimensional non-grey high resolution simulation of a downflowing plume in the sun and a grey three-dimensional simulation of the quiet sun are presented.

Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, 2009, 84 S.
58,00 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-8381-0202-3

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