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National Geographic Maps of Space
The Heavens, Planokarte

The stars of earth’s night sky seem to hang like tranquil lanterns, filling us with wonder. They inspire great works of art, and tempt our imaginations into creating stories and myths from the shapes we see. The Heavens shows star charts and constellations for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

All 2,844 of the stars on the chart, plus nebulae and star clusters, can be seen with the unaided eye, making this chart a perfect companion for viewing the night sky.

Size: 20" x 27".

National Geographic Maps, 1998
16,99 Euro
Karte, Format 57,5 x 77,5 cm, Mehrfarbendruck, in Hülse
ISBN: 978-0-7922-9326-2

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